Layout Optimization of Space Frame Structures

Antiopi Koronaki, Paul Shepherd, Mark Evernden

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Despite the evident advantages of double layered grid structures to produce freeform and aesthetically pleasing designs, the challenge in their application lies in the computational cost associated with the optimization of their layout and limitations in their fabrication. Conway operators are an efficient tool for the manipulation of such structures, producing complex yet aesthetically pleasing topological layouts. This paper presents a computational workflow for the evaluation of double layered grid structures generated using Conway operators. After defining the operators applied, the structure is optimized in compliance with structural design criteria. The inherent modularity of such layouts significantly reduces the computational resources required, while at the same time facilitates the fabrication process. The tool is applied on an existing structure available in literature on which different topologies are evaluated. As a result, a decrease in the overall mass of the structure is achieved, while insightful information for the structural behaviour of the different operators is obtained. The potentials for future evolution of this approach are hence highlighted.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 25 Sept 2017
EventIASS Annual Symposium 2017: Interface: architecture, engineering, science - Hamburg, Germany
Duration: 25 Sept 201727 Sept 2017


ConferenceIASS Annual Symposium 2017


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