Large Scale Testing of Drystone Retaining Walls

Christopher Mundell, Paul Mccombie, Andrew Heath, John Harkness, Peter Walker, Dina F D'Ayala (Editor), Enrico Fodde (Editor)

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

2 Citations (SciVal)


There are numerous historic drystone retaining walls in the UK, but the analysis of these economically important walls is restricted by the lack of experimental data. As part of an ongoing investigation into the stability of drystone retaining structures, two full-scale walls have been constructed and tested to collapse.. Details of each test are described, including set-up, wall construction, instrumentation and data collection. Initial findings are presented and analysed, along with the continuing aims and goals of the project.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventVI International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historic Construction (SAHC08) - Bath, UK United Kingdom
Duration: 2 Jul 20084 Jul 2008


ConferenceVI International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historic Construction (SAHC08)
Country/TerritoryUK United Kingdom

Bibliographical note

Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: Preserving Safety and Significance: Proceedings of the VI International Conference on Structural Analysis ... SAHC08, 2-4 July 2008, Bath, United Kingdom


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