La République en Marche (arrière)? Macron, Style, and Substance

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


From ex-Minister to movement founder to presidential candidate to President; from relative unknown to least popular Presidential victor: what is the truth of the invention (or vice versa) of Emmanuel 'Jupiter' Macron? What are the narratives he constructs, the communicative 'cadre' he has created, and how are these applied in pursuit of his policies? Which kinds of political imagery and prompt are deployed in the promotion of the man and his aims?
Within a framework of the general principles of propaganda and political communication, the proposed paper will examine the rise of Macron and its coverage in the media - with reference to his communicative strategies and structures - to seek to explain the message behind the man (if there is one) and to explore whether the message or the medium is responsible for both his rise and fall.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventSociety for French Studies 59th Annual Conference - University College, Cork, Ireland
Duration: 2 Jul 20184 Jul 2018


ConferenceSociety for French Studies 59th Annual Conference
Internet address


  • Political Campaign
  • French Politics
  • Communication


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