La pubblicità in TV, una didattica dell’Italiano “dentro” I media Lo spot come “testo strategico comunicativo”

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


This presentation defines and addresses the ways in which commercials in the target language can be used in a dynamic way in an Italian language class to promote “significant learning”.
A brief overview of the potential and critical points of using adverts in class will be given. The main focus will be on presenting specific strategies to engage students to explore the Italian language and culture and foster oral production in the target language in a collaborative learning environment through a rich input including commercials and the use of media. Not only will a variety of activities on how to use adverts in class be presented (e.g. “Il doppiaggio creativo”, “la storia a fumetti”, “la foto storia”) but attention will be drawn especially to the cognitive aspects activated during the students’ learning process, stimulated by oriented tasks aimed at “azione sulla lingua” and the collaboration with peers. The presentation will demonstrate how the students, in their acquisition process, will be strategically guided to observe and notice audio and video materials. They will be asked to reconstruct missing information together, in pair/-activities or group activities, improving oral production, self-esteem and individual accountability and increasing their imagination and creativity using the target language.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 2015
EventGiornata Celebrativa dell'Insegnamento dell'Italiano nel Regno Unito e in Irlanda - Europe House, London,UK, London
Duration: 16 Dec 2014 → …


ConferenceGiornata Celebrativa dell'Insegnamento dell'Italiano nel Regno Unito e in Irlanda
Period16/12/14 → …
Internet address


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