Knowledge Production in Material Spaces: Disturbing Conferences and Composing Events

Nikki Fairchild, Carol Taylor, Angelo Benozzo, Neil Carey, Mirka Koro, Constanse Elmenhorst

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Knowledge Production in Material Spaces: Disturbing Conferences and Composing Events assembles and produces interventions that problematize disciplined practices and expectations governing academic conference
spaces to generate new ways of thinking/doing conferences.
The authors use posthuman, feminist materialist and post-qualitative theories
to disrupt knowledge production in neoliberal, bureaucratic conferences spaces.
The analysis they offer, and the rhizomatic writing and presentation styles they
use, promote forms of educational activism through theory. They interrogate
conference spaces as regulated, normalized, standardized modes of academic
knowledge production – which they call ‘AcademicConferenceMachine’ – playfully
subverting dominant operations and meanings of conferences and
workshops to show how we can better interact and produce research, with and
for each other. The authors indicate how creative conference practices produce
playful possibilities to imagine and produce knowledge differently.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
ISBN (Electronic)9781003029007
ISBN (Print)9780367464837
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Knowledge, conferences, posthumanism, postqualitatitve, research-creation


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