Judgments of Market Ethics in a Pandemic

Yvetta Simonyan, Craig Smith

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


While everybody is affected by COVID-19, there are differences in individual experience of pandemic severity. We report a field study that explores ethical judgments in this context, finding that the marketing of controversial products was judged less unethical by those who had been longer in lockdown and those in larger households. Analyses of the effects of lockdown duration and household size on ethical evaluations reveal a mediating effect of vulnerability to COVID-19 and the likelihood of experiencing financial difficulties. Overall, our findings suggest that ethical judgment might be compromised under pandemic conditions, with implications for policymakers and marketing practitioners.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 11 Feb 2022
EventSociety of Judgement and Decision Making - Virtual, USA United States
Duration: 9 Feb 202212 Feb 2022
Conference number: 42


ConferenceSociety of Judgement and Decision Making
Abbreviated titleSJDM
Country/TerritoryUSA United States
Internet address


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