Investigation of the polarization of 50 MHz signals via Sporadic-E reflection

Christopher Deacon, Cathryn Mitchell, Ben A. Witvliet

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Sporadic-E (‘Es’) layers in the ionosphere allow communication at much higher frequencies than would be possible via the background ionosphere, especially at solar cycle minimum. Es is created by a different mechanism from the background ionosphere and the creation process and structure are not fully understood. Similarly, the way that radio waves propagate via Es is not well characterised. Because of these factors, and particularly because of its intermittent nature, Es is difficult both to predict and to model. For these reasons Es is either represented very simplistically in ionospheric prediction models or it is not included at all.
This paper describes an experimental investigation of differential fading between orthogonal polarisations of 50 MHz signals propagated via Es at oblique angles, aimed at improving our understanding of the underlying mechanisms. Initial results indicate that cross-polarisation fading is frequently significant on a timescale from seconds to minutes.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 12 Aug 2019
EventNordic HF conference - Fårö, Sweden
Duration: 12 Aug 201914 Aug 2019


ConferenceNordic HF conference
Abbreviated titleHF-19
Internet address


  • radio wave propagation
  • ionosphere
  • Sporadic E
  • polarization
  • measurement


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