Investigating the Whole Force Approach: Whitehall, the Army, and the private sector: working towards a genuine partnership

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This collection of papers is a product of the CHACR workshop held to investigate a Whole Force Approach to delivering military capability. It contains a summary of the day’s discussions together with essays submitted in advance of the event and in some cases subsequently revised. With the exception of the Keynote Address by the Chief of the General Staff, this collection of papers is published on a ‘Chatham House’ basis and as such is not attributable to any one individual but is offered as a
collection of ‘individual views’. Contribution by: Prof. David Galbreath.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe occasional papers of the Centre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research
Subtitle of host publicationARES & ATHENA
Place of PublicationCamberley, Surrey
PublisherCentre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research
Pages1 - 36
Number of pages36
EditionWinter 2015/16
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2015


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