Inverted Hysteresis in n–i–p and p–i–n Perovskite Solar Cells

Rodrigo García-Rodríguez, Antonio J. Riquelme, Matthew Cowley, Karen Valadez-Villalobos, Gerko Oskam, Laurence J. Bennett, Matthew J. Wolf, Lidia Contreras-Bernal, Petra J. Cameron, Alison B. Walker, Juan A. Anta

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20 Citations (SciVal)


A combination of experimental studies and drift-diffusion modeling has been used to investigate the appearance of inverted hysteresis, where the area under the J–V curve for the reverse scan is lower than in the forward scan, in perovskite solar cells. It is found that solar cells in the p–i–n configuration show inverted hysteresis at a sufficiently high scan rate, whereas n–i–p solar cells tend to have normal hysteresis. By examining the influence of the composition of charge transport layers, the perovskite film crystallinity and the preconditioning treatment, the possible causes of the presence of normal and inverted hysteresis are identified. Simulated current–voltage measurements from a coupled electron–hole–ion drift-diffusion model that replicate the experimental hysteresis trends are presented. It is shown that during current–voltage scans, the accumulation and depletion of ionic charge at the interfaces modifies carrier transport within the perovskite layer and alters the injection and recombination of carriers at the interfaces. Additionally, it is shown that the scan rate dependence of the degree of hysteresis has a universal shape, where the crossover scan rate between normal and inverted hysteresis depends on the ion diffusion coefficient and the nature of the transport layers.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2200507
JournalEnergy Technology
Issue number12
Early online date24 Aug 2022
Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
R.G.‐R. and A.J.R. contributed equally to this work. The research was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the EoCoE II project (824158). J.A.A., G.O., and A.R. thank Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) REFERENCIA DEL PROYECTO/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and EU (ERDF) under grants PID2019‐110430GB‐C22 and PCI2019‐111839‐2 (SCALEUP) and Junta de Andalucía for support under grant SOLARFORCE (UPO‐1259175). The work was also supported by the Royal Society (UK) under grant number ICA‐R1‐191321, AMEXCID SRE‐CONACYT (Mexico) grant number 2016‐1‐278320, and CONACYT FORDECYT‐PRONACES (Mexico) projects 848260 and 318703. The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the Ministerio de Universidades and Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Spain) through the Beatriz Galindo program under project BEAGAL 18/00077 and grant BGP 18/00060. A.R. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports via a Ph.D. grant (FPU2017‐03684). L.J.B. was supported by an EPSRC funded studentship from the CDT in New and Sustainable Photovoltaics, reference EP/L01551X/1. R.G.R. gratefully acknowledges CONACYT for support through a postdoctoral scholarship. K.V.V. acknowledges CONACYT for support through “Beca de movilidad 2018.” M.V.C. was supported by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Chemical Technologies EP/L016354/1.


R.G.‐R. and A.J.R. contributed equally to this work. The research was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the EoCoE II project (824158). J.A.A., G.O., and A.R. thank Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) REFERENCIA DEL PROYECTO/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and EU (ERDF) under grants PID2019‐110430GB‐C22 and PCI2019‐111839‐2 (SCALEUP) and Junta de Andalucía for support under grant SOLARFORCE (UPO‐1259175). The work was also supported by the Royal Society (UK) under grant number ICA‐R1‐191321, AMEXCID SRE‐CONACYT (Mexico) grant number 2016‐1‐278320, and CONACYT FORDECYT‐PRONACES (Mexico) projects 848260 and 318703. The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the Ministerio de Universidades and Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Spain) through the Beatriz Galindo program under project BEAGAL 18/00077 and grant BGP 18/00060. A.R. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports via a Ph.D. grant (FPU2017‐03684). L.J.B. was supported by an EPSRC funded studentship from the CDT in New and Sustainable Photovoltaics, reference EP/L01551X/1. R.G.R. gratefully acknowledges CONACYT for support through a postdoctoral scholarship. K.V.V. acknowledges CONACYT for support through “Beca de movilidad 2018.” M.V.C. was supported by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Chemical Technologies EP/L016354/1.


  • drift-diffusion modeling
  • hysteresis
  • inverted perovskite solar cells

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Energy


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