Introducing the process and content of research into lectures, the laboratory, and study time

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Higher education in England is undergoing tremendous changes. Many of the changes are driven by funding, in particular a shift from public funding to student fees, similar to the tuition paid in the United States. Concomitant with the shift in funding is the question of the purpose of the academy, and how the creation of consumer students might redefine such a purpose. In the midst of these changes I here reflect on the role and means of university faculty to create and disseminate knowledge. Many universities state explicitly that research and teaching should be integrated. The concept of research-led teaching has arisen as the concept for which institutions strive. Research-integrated teaching that imparts the cutting
edge skills and knowledge that students must graduate with to develop critical thinking skills. Although others have discussed the challenges with implementing research-led teaching at an institutional level, this commentary considers a case study of research-led teaching practice. Here, I provide a model of research-led teaching as an example of how to do it. Importantly, I wish to stress the reasons a faculty member should implement it, with consideration of the benefits of research-led teaching for the student, the teacher, and the researcher.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)85-87
JournalCollege Teaching
Issue number3
Early online date23 Jun 2013
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2013


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