Institutional repositories, aggregator services and collection development

Philip Hunter, Michael Day

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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    Institutional repositories are managed collections of the intellectual output of university and other research-based institutions. This report introduces collection development issues from two distinct perspectives. Firstly, it highlights issues that may need to be addressed by institutional repositories as OAI data providers. For example, repositories may need to make decisions on the type, quality and format of content, on submission workflows, rights management, access, sustainability and evaluation. Secondly, the report will consider similar issues from the perspective of third party service providers like ePrints UK that harvest selective metadata from institutional repositories. The concluding section will provide some recommendations on best practice for repositories to support such harvesting.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherUKOLN, University of Bath
    Number of pages13
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2005


    • OAI-PMH
    • collection management
    • institutional repositories


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