Incorporating domain growth into hybrid methods for reaction-diffusion systems

Cameron Smith, Kit Yates

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Reaction–diffusion mechanism are a robust paradigm that can be used to represent many biological and physical phenomena over multiple spatial scales. Applications include intracellular dynamics, the migration of cells and the patterns formed by vegetation in semi-arid landscapes. Moreover, domain
growth is an important process for embryonic growth and wound healing. There are many numerical modelling frameworks capable of simulating such systems on growing domains, however each of these may be well suited to different spatial scales and particle numbers. Recently, spatially extended hybrid methods on static domains have been produced in order to bridge the gap between these different modelling paradigms in order to represent multiscale phenomena. However, such methods have not been developed with domain growth in mind. In this paper, we develop three hybrid methods on growing domains, extending three of the prominent static domain hybrid methods. We also provide detailed algorithms to allow others to employ them. We demonstrate that the methods are able to accurately model three representative reaction-diffusion systems accurately and without bias.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of the Royal Society, Interface
Issue number177
Early online date14 Apr 2021
Publication statusPublished - 30 Apr 2021


  • Reaction-diffusion
  • Domain growth
  • Hybrid methods


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