Improving the quality and quantity of life among patients with cancer: A review of the effectiveness of group psychotherapy

J Blake-Mortimer, C Gore-Felton, R Kimerling, Julie M Turner-Cobb, D Spiegel

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86 Citations (SciVal)


Cancer patients suffer from a number of psychosocial problems related to the progression of their disease as well as standard medical interventions. Fortunately, there is empirical evidence suggesting that group psychotherapy is effective at ameliorating psychological distress and in some cases improving survival. For this literature review we examined the psychological morbidity, particularly anxiety and depression, among cancer patients. Further, we conducted a critical examination of the current evidence regarding the effectiveness of group psychotherapy for improving the quality as well as the quantity of life in cancer patients. Finally, we explored the specific components of effective group psychotherapy, which has been associated with enhanced survival. We conclude that there is compelling evidence indicating that group psychotherapy improves the quality of life of cancer patients. Furthermore, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that group psychotherapy improves survival of cancer patients.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1581-1586
Number of pages6
JournalEuropean Journal of Cancer
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Oct 1999


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