Improving drug policy: The potential of broader democratic participation

A. Ritter, K. Lancaster, R. Diprose

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38 Citations (SciVal)


Policies concerned with illicit drugs vex governments. While the ‘evidence-based policy’ paradigm argues that governments should be informed by ‘what works’, in practice policy makers rarely operate this way. Moreover the evidence-based policy paradigm fails to account for democratic participatory processes, particularly how community members and people who use drugs might be included. The aim of this paper is to explore the political science thinking about democratic participation and the potential afforded in ‘deliberative democracy’ approaches, such as Citizens Juries and other mini-publics for improved drug policy processes. Deliberative democracy, through its focus on inclusion, equality and reasoned discussion, shows potential for drug policy reform and shifts the focus from reliance on and privileging of experts and scientific evidence. But the very nature of this kind of ‘deliberation’ may delimit participation, notably through its insistence on authorised modes of communication. Other forms of participation beyond reasoned deliberation aligned with the ontological view that participatory processes themselves are constitutive of subject positions and policy problems, may generate opportunities for considering how the deleterious effects of authorised modes of communication might be overcome.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-7
JournalInternational Journal of Drug Policy
Publication statusPublished - 31 May 2018


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