Implementing a Holistic Approach to E-Learning Accessibility

B Kelly, L Phipps, C Howell

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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    The importance of accessibility to digital e-learning resources is widely acknowledged. The W3C WAI has played a leading role in promoting the importance of accessibility and developing guidelines which can help when developing accessible Web resources. The accessibility of e-learning resources provides additional challenges. In this paper the authors describe a holistic framework for addressing e-learning accessibility which takes into account the usability of e-learning, pedagogic issues and student learning styles in addition to technical and resource issues and provide a case study which illustrates use of this holistic approach to e-learning.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 11 Mar 2005
    EventALT-C 2005 - Manchester, UK United Kingdom
    Duration: 6 Sept 20058 Sept 2005


    ConferenceALT-C 2005
    Country/TerritoryUK United Kingdom


    • E-Learning
    • Methodologies
    • Web Accessibility
    • WCAG
    • Guidelines
    • WAI


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