Impact of security and trust as factors that influence the adoption and use of digital technologies that generate, collect and transmit user data: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ICCWS 2020

F. Nwaiwu, M.A. Kwarteng, A.B. Jibril, L. Burita, M. Pilik

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

9 Citations (SciVal)


© 2020. the authors. All Rights Reserved. Among several factors that influence users' decision to adopt technology, studies have shown that the perception users attach to “security” and “trust” have a significant influence on their willingness to adopt such technology. Also, “social influence” plays an important role, the conceptual framework adopted for this study shows the relationship among these factors. The assurance of security and trustworthiness of technology is relevant in building the confidence of users towards technology adoption and use, as it reduces their level of anxiety towards such technology. The study aimed to contribute to the body of scientific evidence by filling the theoretical and empirical gap associated with users' behavioural intentions towards the adoption and use of technological artifacts that collect, store and transmit users' private data. The study took inspirations from theoretical frameworks such as TAM, UTAUT, and the IUIPC in proposing the conceptual framework adopted for the study. The study investigated the effect of security, trust and social influence in the adoption and usage of digital technologies that handle user private data. To test the hypothesized relationships in the research framework, a positivist research paradigm was adopted, precisely a quantitative approach. More specifically, a variance-based structural equation modelling (i.e., PLS-SEM) was employed in testing the research hypotheses. The research concluded by establishing that security and trust considerations as well as social influence impact user behavioural intentions to adopt these technologies, and how they prioritize each of these three factors. The research contributes to the existing body of knowledge on technology adoption by exploring how security and trust influence the behavioural intention of a user to adopt any technological artifact which handles their personal.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Adoption
  • Digital Technologies
  • Quantitative research
  • Security
  • Social Influence
  • Trust


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