Hydrodynamic Analysis of Interactions between Waves and Offshore Structures

Liang Sun, Lifen Chen, Jun Zang

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In present paper, both potential-flow and viscous-flow solvers have been used in the numerical analysis of wave-structure interactions. In the first case, surface elevations around a fixed truncated circular column have been investigated and numerical results have been compared with experimental data. Nonlinear wave forces acting on the same column have also been estimated. In the second case, the roll motion of a rectangular floating structure in regular wave has been simulated.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2014
EventISOPE PACOMS-2014, the 11th Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium - Shanghai, China
Duration: 12 Oct 201416 Oct 2014


ConferenceISOPE PACOMS-2014, the 11th Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium


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