HRM system strength and HRM target achievement: towards a broader understanding of HRM processes

Sven Hauff, Dorothea Alewell, Nina Hansen

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For some time, HRM researchers have paid attention to the process dimensions of HRM sys-tems, especially to the question of how HRM system strength impacts on HRM outcomes. However, contributions tend to be theoretical, and empirical analyses are still rare. This paper contributes to the discussion on HRM system strength by empirically analyzing the links be-tween HRM system strength and HRM target achievement. We differentiate between single components of strength and their partial effects on two HRM target groups: the targets focus-ing on employee attitudes and the targets focusing on availability and effectiveness of human resources. Findings from a German dataset with more than 1,000 observations indicate that HRM system strength has a positive influence on the average HRM target achievement. Ex-pectations regarding the differentiated effects of single components of HRM system strength are only partially supported. Nevertheless, our analyses give reason to consider a broader con-ception of HRM system strength than which has been explored up to date.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)715–729
Number of pages15
JournalHuman Resource Management
Issue number5
Early online date20 Jul 2016
Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2017


  • HRM system
  • HRM system strength
  • process approach
  • HRM target
  • target achievement


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