How Much Am I Expected to Pay for My Parents’ Firm? An Institutional Logics Perspective on Family Discounts

Thomas Zellweger, Melanie Richards, Philipp Sieger, Pankaj Patel

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Recent evidence suggests that successors do not simply inherit their parents' firm, but have to pay a certain price. Building on institutional logics literature, we explore successors' family discount expectations, defined as the rebate expected from parents in comparison to nonfamily buyers when assuming control of the firm. We find that family cohesion increases discount expectations, while successors' fear of failure and family equity stake in the firm decrease discount expectations. Higher education in business or economics weakens these effects. On average, in our study comprised of 16 countries, successors expect a 57% family discount
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1041-1069
Number of pages29
JournalEntrepreneurship, Theory and Practice
Issue number5
Early online date1 Sept 2016
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2016


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