How in-store educational and entertaining events influence shopper satisfaction

Sean Sands, Harmen Oppewal, Michael Beverland

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While recent years have seen an increased use of educational and entertaining events within the store environment, little seems known about how consumers value such events. This study investigates how the staging of education and entertainment-focused in-store events impacts on consumers’ value perceptions, arousal levels and store satisfaction. It is hypothesized that such events have a positive effect on store satisfaction but that their effects are moderated by a shopper’s motivational orientation. Findings from a scenario-based experiment among 786 shoppers from two retail categories (hardware and computer stores) provide support for this. The findings show that task-oriented consumers derive more value and satisfaction from an education-focused event than from an entertainment-focused event, while recreation-oriented consumers appreciate either type of event. The study findings imply that providing education themed events is a safer option for retailers than providing entertainment-focused events because education satisfies a wider range of shopper needs. Shoppers overall derive pleasure from entertainment but task-oriented shoppers tend to also see it as a hindrance to the convenience of shopping, with the result that for these shoppers the hosting of entertainment-focused events may result in reduced store satisfaction levels.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9-20
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Issue numberMarch
Early online date6 Dec 2014
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2015


  • Retail experience, education, entertainment, motivational orientation


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