How are personal values linked to help-seeking stigma?

Dan G. Lannin, Wyndolyn M. A. Ludwikowski, Patrick J. Heath, David L. Vogel, Lukas Wolf, Isaac M. Wicker

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The extent to which individuals prioritize different personal values may be conceptually linked to the perceptions of societal stigma associated with seeking psychological help (public stigma), as well as the extent to which they apply that stigma to themselves (self-stigma). We examined how personal values predicted public stigma and self-stigma of seeking psychological help. Undergraduates (N = 342) from two universities, one historically Black college/university and one predominantly White institution, completed questionnaires assessing personal values and public stigma and self-stigma of seeking psychological help. Self-transcendence values predicted lower self-stigma directly and indirectly via public stigma. Though there were no structural differences between the modeled relationships of values, public stigma, and self-stigma between Black/African American and White/European American undergraduates, the groups differed in their prioritization of self-transcendence, openness to change, and conservation values. Results suggest that understanding how individuals prioritize certain values over others may help explain group-differences in help-seeking stigmas.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)249-276
JournalThe Counseling Psychologist
Issue number2
Early online date13 Nov 2019
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2020


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