Home practice in Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Psychosis Groups: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Study

Pamela Jacobsen, Twinkle Choksi, Katherine Sawyer, Cassia Maximen, Emma Harding, Matthew Richardson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Citations (SciVal)


Objectives: Regular home practice is considered a core component of mindfulness groups and may be associated with better treatment outcomes. This study aimed to 1) review the existing evidence on how much home practice people do in Mindfulness for Psychosis groups, and 2) explore participants’ experiences of the barriers and facilitators to completing home practice in a Mindfulness for Psychosis group using a qualitative study.
Methods: In study 1, we conducted a systematic review of Mindfulness for Psychosis studies and extracted data on home practice rates. In study 2, we conducted semi-structured interviews with people who had completed a Mindfulness for Psychosis group (N=5) as part of their routine community care, specifically focusing on experiences of home practice.
Results: Out of twenty-two studies included in the systematic review, only 4 reported any data on amount of home practice, and none examined the relationship between completion of home practice and treatment outcomes. In the qualitative study, participants described home practice as being difficult but important. Arising themes were similar to findings from previous (non-psychosis) studies suggesting that generic challenges are common, rather than being specific to psychosis.
Conclusions: We recommend that future Mindfulness for Psychosis studies record data on home practice rates, in order to investigate any association between home practice and treatment outcome. Our qualitative findings suggest home practice can be a valued part of a Mindfulness for Psychosis group, and a normalising approach could be taken when and if participants encounter common challenges.
Original languageEnglish
Article number9
JournalBMC Psychology
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jan 2022


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