Hollow-core Optical Fiber Gas Lasers (HOFGLAS): a review [Invited]

A. V. Vasudevan Nampoothiri, Andrew M. Jones, Coralie Fourcade Dutin, Chenchen Mao, Neda Dadashzadeh, Bastian Baumgart, Yingying Wang, M. Alharbi, T. Bradley, Neil Campbell, F. Benabid, Brian R. Washburn, Kristan L. Corwin, Wolfgang Rudolph

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The development of hollow core photonic crystal fibers with low losses over a broad spectral region in the near IR enabled the demonstration of a novel laser type - Hollow-core Optical Fiber Gas Laser (HOFGLAs). The laser combines attractive features of fiber lasers such as compactness and long interaction length of pump and laser radiation with those of gas lasers such as the potential for high output power and narrow line width. This paper summarizes recent developments and describes the demonstration of C 2H 2 and HCN prototype lasers. Avenues to extend laser emission further into the IR are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)948-961
JournalOptical Materials Express
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2012


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