Holding back the tide - how commitment to the NHS is offfsetting the impact of high job demands on intentions to quit in Allied Healthcare Professionals •Conference

Deborah Roy, Andrew Weyman, Reka Plugor, Nathan Hudson-Sharp, Anitha George

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


To explore predictors of intentions to quit amongst Allied Health Professionals working in the UK’s National Health Service.
There are increasing reports that increasing demands on the NHS and structural changes such as franchising of services are having a negative impact on the morale of Allied Healthcare Professionals raising concern that this change in ethos may be wearing down staff identification and attachment to the NHS.
A structured questionnaire was distributed via Professional Bodies and Trade Unions nationally to a convenience sample of UK Allied Health Professionals (n=1115). The Researchers measured future work intentions and a range of organisational and individual variables hypothesised to impact on attachment to work and intention to quit. Responses were analysed using logistic regression techniques.
Job demands, age, job satisfaction and self rated psychological health were found to be significant predictors of intention to quit within 12 months, regardless of job band. However, high commitment offset the effects of job demands as a predictor of quitting.
The simple enjoyment of caring for patients is a significant factor which explains why this sample of NHS staff continue to work in the NHS. Should changes such as privatisation further erode NHS commitment there is a real danger that job satisfaction alone will not be able to hold back the tide, and many more staff will plan an exit from the NHS. The implications for Allied Healthcare Professionals and NHS organisations will be discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventAnnual Conference of British Psychological Society: Annual Conference BPS - Hilton Brighton Metropole, Brighton, UK United Kingdom
Duration: 3 May 20175 May 2017
Conference number: AC2017


ConferenceAnnual Conference of British Psychological Society
Country/TerritoryUK United Kingdom


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