High performance audio computing: a position paper

Richard Dobson, John ffitch, Russell Bradford

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter or section

4 Citations (SciVal)


Computing power for desktops is set to increase significantly in the next few years, by moving towards concurrent processing based on machines with an increasing number of CPU cores. Despite a possibly lowering ceiling with regard to clock speeds, computation speeds measured in Teraflops are already being envisaged. We propose that this has great significance for audio processing, in that processes previously discounted as computationally prohibitive may now be realised in real time. There is a need to investigate these processes, to identify those which are best suited to parallel computational models, and which may offer useful new musical tools. We define such processes as examples of High-Performance Audio Computing, or HiPAC, in a direct analogy to current HPC activity. We present the primary aspects of HiPAC as we have formulated it, together with an example in the form of the Sliding Phase Vocoder.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2008: 24-29 August 2008, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Place of PublicationBelfast, Northern Ireland
PublisherICMA and Sonic Arts Research Centre, Queen's University, Belfast
Number of pages4
ISBN (Print)0-9713192-6-x
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventProceedings of the 2008 ICMC -
Duration: 1 Jan 2008 → …


ConferenceProceedings of the 2008 ICMC
Period1/01/08 → …


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