Grain Refinement of Alloys in Fusion-Based Additive Manufacturing Processes

Duyao Zhang, Arvind Prasad, Michael Bermingham, Carmelo Todaro, Michael Benoit, Mitesh Patel, Dong Qiu, David StJohn, Ma Qian, Mark Easton

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147 Citations (SciVal)


One of the less desirable aspects of fusion-based additive manufacturing is the propensity for coarse columnar grain structures crossing build layers to form. This paper initially attempts to explain the reason for the formation of columnar grain structures in terms of the high thermal gradients typically observed during solidification and the alloy compositions that are typically used which promote epitaxial growth. Successful approaches to the grain refinement of titanium alloys using alloying elements that produce constitutional supercooling are discussed along with the difficulty with nucleant additions. Much of the grain-refining technology already used in aluminium casting is shown to also be applicable to additive manufacturing, although the novelty of the effective use of nanoparticles as nucleants is highlighted. It is also shown that for other alloy systems for which there is a lack of grain-refining technology using chemical means, mechanical means, such as ultrasonic treatment, can be effective across a wide range of alloys. Finally, consideration is given to the difficulties and the possible solutions of producing parts layer by layer. In particular, the importance of understanding nucleation in solidification conditions characterized by high cooling rates and thermal gradients; the importance of melt dynamics; and how previous layers could provide possibilities for refinement of the subsequent layer are highlighted.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4341–4359
JournalMetallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2020


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