God, Money, and Politics: English Attitudes to Blindness and Touch, from the Enlightenment to Integration

Simon Hayhoe

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Our book examines the role of three factors, God, Money, and Politics, in the epistemological theory of blindness, (the theory of the construction of knowledge on blindness and touch by social and cultural change). This book also illustrates this development has, in the main, been motivated by an attempt to assert or gain power and why the study of blindness in conventional academic subjects such as psychology, history and sociology is so important. We do this by presenting the main theories of disability and blindness that have informed the writing of this book, and a frame of reference for the historical story. Which places the book in the broad context of theories of disability and blindness, within an academic and symbolic context of physical impairment and the social mythologies that accompany such understanding.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCharlotte, U. S. A.
PublisherInformation Age Publishing
Number of pages123
ISBN (Electronic)9781593119133
ISBN (Print)1593119135
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2008


  • blind
  • touch
  • art
  • England
  • history
  • asylums
  • schools for the blind
  • Warnock Commission
  • special needs


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