Gait Dynamic Stability Analysis for simulated Ankle-foot impairments and Bipedal robotics applications

Imran Mahmood, Uriel Martinez Hernandez, Abbas A Dehghani-Sanij

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding


Gait dynamic stabilities are important for independence of life with increasing population of elderly people. Falls injuries have more serious consequences with increased rehabilitation time and cost of cure. In this study we have implemented stability analysis for various simulated ankle-foot impairments using ankle-foot orthosis and performed experiments in motion capture lab using eight healthy subjects. We have computed margins of stability (MoS) using center-of-pressure and extrapolated center-of-mass signals. Overall, the results showed that the loading phase is more stable in stance phase than unloading phase. The unimpaired subjects showed robustness during loading phase without any change in MoS, however the unloading phase showed significant increase (p<0.05) in MoS. The mediallateral restrictions (everted, inverted foot) have significant MoS differences (p<0.05) compared with normal foot walk. This study has important applications in the assessments of dynamic stabilities for lower-limb impairments, orthotics, prosthetics, exoskeleton, and bipedal robotics.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication16th Mechatronics Forum International Conference
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 27 Jun 2018


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