From IT investment opportunity to realising investment at scale

Marc Cowling, Weixi Liu, Tim Vorley

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Investing in information technology allows firms to enhance their capabilities and performance and in doing so grow and create value. Yet we still lack a detailed understanding about how this process occurs. In this paper we are able to trace out the pathway from identifying an opportunity to invest in ICT, through the decision to realise an investment or not, and if it does progress at what scale. Using a large bespoke UK business survey about investment decision making, our initial results show that 72% of firms had an ICT investment opportunity but, of those who had an opportunity, only 70% took advantage of their opportunity. Of those that did the scale of investment was between £50,000 and £100,000 on average. ICT opportunities, investments, and scale of investment were increasing in firm size but negatively related to firm age. Investment scale rose as the ability to secure equity funding increased. In this respect, smaller firms may be at a relative disadvantage in terms of their ability to take advantage of ICT opportunities and this is problematic as they are also less likely to identify opportunities per se.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)477-494
JournalInternational Review of Entrepreneurship
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2022


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