Ferroelectric phase coexistence by crystallite size reduction inBiFeO3−PbTiO3

V. Kothai, Bastola Narayan, Kumar Brajesh, S. D. Kaushik, V. Siruguri, Rajeev Ranjan

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20 Citations (SciVal)


Size effect in ferroelectrics has been extensively investigated in the past with the general consensus that the long-range ferroelectric ordering gradually disappears with decreasing crystallite size, eventually leading to the paraelectric state. In this paper, we show that the compositions exhibiting giant tetragonality (c/a-1=1.18) of the ferroelectric alloy system BiFeO3-PbTiO3 transform from a pure tetragonal phase to a state comprising tetragonal and rhombohedral phases as the average crystallite size is reduced from 10 to 1 μm. It is argued that the increased surface energy in the smaller sized crystallites creates an equivalent compressive stress that drives the system towards tetragonal-rhombohedral criticality.
Original languageEnglish
Article number155115
JournalPhysical Review B
Publication statusPublished - 10 Oct 2014


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