
Ferroelectric materials with large spontaneous polarization and high permittivity are emerging as potential candidates to enhance the performance of lithium-ion, sodium-ion, and solid-state batteries. This review provides an overview of the application of ferroelectric materials to batteries, with an emphasis on the working mechanisms by which they can enhance charging, cycling capabilities and stability. Reported mechanisms of ferroelectric-enhanced battery performance include space charge layer modulation to increase ionic conductivity within electrolytes or reduce interfacial resistance between electrode and electrolyte, improved rate kinetics by promoting reactions within the anode or cathode, improved battery stability, and the mitigation of polysulfide shuttling effects in lithium-sulfur batteries. Improving ionic conductivity is a recurring theme that can facilitate homogeneous plating of lithium or sodium at the anode to reduce and avoid dendrite growth, thereby extending battery lifetime and cycling stability, whilst enhancing charge and discharge rates. Inorganic ferroelectric additives to porous separators and solid electrolytes can also provide secondary benefits in terms of mechanical properties to resist dendrite penetration and mitigate against battery failure. Improvements in characterization techniques are suggested to aid in separating the benefits that arise from ferroelectricity from those attributable to competing mechanisms. Future challenges and perspectives of ferroelectric-enhanced batteries are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Materiomics
Early online date14 Jul 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 14 Jul 2024


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