Extracting quantum work statistics and fluctuation theorems by single qubit interferometry

R. Dorner, S. R. Clark, L. Heaney, R. Fazio, J. Goold, V. Vedral

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We propose an experimental scheme to verify the quantum non-equilibrium fluctuation relations using current technology. Specifically, we show that the characteristic function of the work distribution for a non-equilibrium quench of a general quantum system can be extracted from Ramsey interferometry of a single probe qubit. Our scheme paves the way for the full characterisation of non-equilibrium processes in a variety of complex quantum systems ranging from single particles to many-body atomic systems and spin chains. We demonstrate our idea using a time-dependent quench of the motional state of a trapped ion, where the internal pseudo-spin provides a convenient probe qubit.
Original languageEnglish
Article number230601
Number of pages5
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jun 2013

Bibliographical note

See related paper "Measuring the characteristic function of the work distribution" by L. Mazzola et al.


  • quant-ph
  • cond-mat.mes-hall
  • cond-mat.stat-mech


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