Exploring nonlinear topological states of matter with exciton-polaritons: edge solitons in kagome lattice

D. R. Gulevich, D. Yudin, D. V. Skryabin, I. V. Iorsh, I. A. Shelykh

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77 Citations (SciVal)


Matter in nontrivial topological phase possesses unique properties, such as support of unidirectional edge modes on its interface. It is the existence of such modes which is responsible for the wonderful properties of a topological insulator - material which is insulating in the bulk but conducting on its surface, along with many of its recently proposed photonic and polaritonic analogues. We show that exciton-polariton fluid in a nontrivial topological phase in kagome lattice, supports nonlinear excitations in the form of solitons built up from wavepackets of topological edge modes - topological edge solitons. Our theoretical and numerical results indicate the appearance of bright, dark and grey solitons dwelling in the vicinity of the boundary of a lattice strip. In a parabolic region of the dispersion the solitons can be described by envelope functions satisfying the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Upon collision, multiple topological edge solitons emerge undistorted, which proves them to be true solitons as opposed to solitary waves for which such requirement is waived. Importantly, kagome lattice supports topological edge mode with zero group velocity unlike other types of truncated lattices. This gives a finer control over soliton velocity which can take both positive and negative values depending on the choice of forming it topological edge modes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1780
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
Early online date11 May 2017
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2017

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