Experimentally aided development of a turbine heat transfer prediction method

A E Forest, A J White, C C Lai, S M Guo, M L G Oldfield, G D Lock

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6 Citations (SciVal)


In the design of cooled turbomachinery blading a central role is played by the computer methods used to optimise the aerodynamic and thermal performance of the turbine aerofoils. Estimates of the heat load on the turbine blading should be as accurate as possible, in order that adequate life may be obtained with the minimum cooling air requirement. Computer methods are required which are able to model transonic flows, which are a mixture of high temperature combustion gases and relatively cool air injected through holes in the aerofoil surface. These holes may be of complex geometry, devised after empirical studies of the optimum shape and the most cost effective manufacturing technology. The method used here is a further development of the heat transfer design code (HTDC), originally written by Rolls-Royce plc under subcontract to Rolls-Royce Inc for the United States Air Force. The physical principles of the modelling employed in the code are explained without extensive mathematical details. The paper describes the calibration of the code in conjunction with a series of experimental measurements on a scale model of a high-pressure nozzle guide vane at non-dimensionally correct engine conditions. The results are encouraging, although indicating that some further work is required in modelling highly accelerated pressure surface flow. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)606-617
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2004

Bibliographical note

ID number: ISI:000223397600004


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