Evaluation of thermodynamically favorable operating conditions for production of hydrogen in three different reforming technologies

Y S Seo, A Shirley, S T Kolaczkowski

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With the aid of thermodn. anal. using AspenPlus, the characteristics of three different types of reforming process are investigated. These include: steam-methane reforming (SMR), partial oxidn. (POX) and autothermal reforming (ATR). Thereby, favorable operating conditions are identified for each process. The optimum steam-to-carbon (S:C) ratio of the SMR reactor is 1.9. The optimum air ratio of the POX reactor is 0.3 at a preheat temp. of 312 Deg. The optimum air ratio and S:C ratio of the ATR reactor are 0.29 and 0.35, resp. at a preheat temp. of 400 Deg. Simulated material and energy balances show that the CH4 flow rates required to generate 1 mol/s of hydrogen are 0.364 mol/s for POX, 0.367 mol/s for ATR and 0.385 mol/s for the SMR. These results demonstrate that the POX reforming system has the lowest energy cost to produce the same amt. of hydrogen from CH4.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)213-225
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of Power Sources
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 2002


  • evaluation of thermodynamically favorable operating conditions for prodn. of hydrogen in three different reforming technologies)
  • Synthesis gas manufacturing (partial oxidn.
  • Reforming apparatus
  • Synthesis gas manufacturing (steam reforming synthesis gas manufg.
  • thermodn methane reforming hydrogen prodn
  • Thermodynamic simulation (evaluation of thermodynamically favorable operating conditions for prodn. of hydrogen in three different reforming technologies)


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