Evaluating the impacts of new walking and cycling infrastructure on carbon dioxide emissions from motorized travel: A controlled longitudinal study

Christian Brand, Anna Goodman, David Ogilvie, Fiona Bull, Ashley Cooper, Andy Day, Nanette Mutrie, Jane Powell, John Preston, Harry Rutter

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Walking and cycling is widely assumed to substitute for at least some motorized travel and thereby reduce energy use and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. While the evidence suggests that a supportive built environment may be needed to promote walking and cycling, it is unclear whether and how interventions in the built environment that attract walkers and cyclists may reduce transport CO2 emissions. Our aim was therefore to evaluate the effects of providing new infrastructure for walking and cycling on CO2 emissions from motorized travel.A cohort of 1849 adults completed questionnaires at baseline (2010) and one-year follow-up (2011), before and after the construction of new high-quality routes provided as part of the Sustrans Connect2 programme in three UK municipalities. A second cohort of 1510 adults completed questionnaires at baseline and two-year follow-up (2012). The participants reported their past-week travel behaviour and car characteristics from which CO2 emissions by mode and purpose were derived using methods described previously. A set of exposure measures of proximity to and use of the new routes were derived.Overall transport CO2 emissions decreased slightly over the study period, consistent with a secular trend in the case study regions. As found previously the new infrastructure was well used at one- and two-year follow-up, and was associated with population-level increases in walking, cycling and physical activity at two-year follow-up. However, these effects did not translate into sizeable CO2 effects as neither living near the infrastructure nor using it predicted changes in CO2 emissions from motorized travel, either overall or disaggregated by journey purpose. This lack of a discernible effect on travel CO2 emissions are consistent with an interpretation that some of those living nearer the infrastructure may simply have changed where they walked or cycled, while others may have walked or cycled more but few, if any, may have substituted active for motorized modes of travel as a result of the interventions.While the findings to date cannot exclude the possibility of small effects of the new routes on CO2 emissions, a more comprehensive approach of a higher 'dosage' of active travel promotion linked with policies targeted at mode shift away from private motorized transport (such as urban car restraint and parking pricing, car sharing/pooling for travel to work, integrating bike sharing into public transport system) may be needed to achieve the substantial CO2 savings needed to meet climate change mitigation and energy security goals.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)284-295
Number of pages12
JournalApplied Energy
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2014


This paper was written on behalf of the iConnect consortium ( www.iconnect.ac.uk ; Christian Brand, Fiona Bull, Ashley Cooper, Andy Day, Nanette Mutrie, David Ogilvie, Jane Powell, John Preston and Harry Rutter). The iConnect consortium is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant reference EP/G00059X/1). CB is also supported by the UK Energy Research Centre (Grant No: NERC NE/G007748/1 ), part of the Research Councils UK Energy Research Programme. AG contributed to this work while funded by a National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) post-doctoral fellowship. DO is also supported by the Medical Research Council (Unit Programme number MC_UU_12015/6) and the Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR), a UKCRC Public Health Research Centre of Excellence. Funding from the British Heart Foundation, Economic and Social Research Council, Medical Research Council, NIHR and Wellcome Trust, under the auspices of the UK Clinical Research Collaboration, is gratefully acknowledged. The views in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the funders. We thank the study participants for their cooperation, the study team led by Karen Ghali for managing data collection, and Yena Song for computing the exposure measures and preparing the maps. We want to thank the two anonymous reviewers for the constructive comments and suggestions which were a great help to improve the manuscript. Appendix A


  • Impact evaluation
  • Infrastructure
  • Longitudinal analysis
  • Transport
  • Walking and cycling

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Building and Construction
  • General Energy
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law


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