Epigenetic alteration of Wnt pathway antagonists in progressive glandular neoplasia of the lung

Julien D. F. Licchesi, William H. Westra, Craig M. Hooker, Emi O. Machida, Stephen B. Baylin, James G. Herman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

117 Citations (SciVal)


Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (AAH) is now recognized as a precursor lesion from which lung adenocarcinomas arise and thus represents an ideal target for studying the early genetic and epigenetic alterations associated with lung tumorigenesis such as alterations of the Wnt pathway.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)895-904
Number of pages10
Issue number5
Early online date28 Feb 2008
Publication statusPublished - May 2008


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