Empowerment and Community Participation

Sarah White, Md Kamruzzaman

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingEntry for encyclopedia/dictionary


This chapter reviews the troubled relationship between empowerment and community participation. It considers the history of each concept and some main areas of debate. It then reviews some typologies which seek to identify forms of participation that are and are not empowering, and discusses a series of critiques which suggest either or both concepts have been de-radicalised as they have moved nearer the centre of development thinking. This theoretical discussion is then grounded in a brief review of some examples of participation in development practice. The chapter closes by considering how the representation of and possibilities for participation and empowerment are shaped by the character of the development industry.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Encyclopedia of Anthropology
EditorsHillary Callan
Publication statusAcceptance date - 2015


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