Employing super-elastic alloy to enhance the damping and re-centring capacity of a single bracket unit in traditional temples in Asia

Wenjun Xie, Wen Shao Chang

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding


The traditional timber structures are widely distributed in Far East area of Asia. They need to be protected both thoroughly and with some urgency since their great historical significance and they are seriously damaged by the seismic activities. Bracket complex is the primary component of traditional timber structures. The conventional connection of Dou and its lower structure is a wood peg. However, the wood peg connections have low strength and stiffness, and would be pulled out from the peg hole by the horizontal loads. This work developed a mechanism by using high strength steel or super-elastic alloy bars to replace conventional wood peg connection in order to enhance the strength and stiffness of the bracket complex system. Both metal bar connections could increase the strength of the structure significantly. In the first loading cycle, the Dou with high strength steel bar connection and super-elastic alloy bar connection can get 35% and 15% equivalent damping ratio respectively. After that, it drops to 5% when the Dou connect by high strength steel bar and remains above 12% by using super-elastic alloy bar. The pre-strain of super-elastic alloy bar can give a relative higher but not remarkable equivalent damping ratio of Dou.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWCTE 2016 - World Conference on Timber Engineering
PublisherVienna University of Technology
ISBN (Electronic)9783903039001
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event2016 World Conference on Timber Engineering, WCTE 2016 - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 22 Aug 201625 Aug 2016


Conference2016 World Conference on Timber Engineering, WCTE 2016


  • Bracket complex
  • Damping
  • Re-centring
  • Super-elastic alloy
  • Traditional timber structure


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