Employee perspectives on variables contributing to quality of working life (QoWL): A grounded approach

Kate Blackford, Andrew Weyman

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


Background - The current study is a grounded approach using a semi structured focus group and one to one interview design aimed at establishing what factors employees feel erode or enhance their Quality of Working Life. The interviews explored a range of themes, but sought to be primarily directed by the respondents in order to elicit their views on the subject.
Method - Methodologically it represents and inversion of traditional top-down methods through the use of grounded approach rooted in employee perspectives. The intention is to use this insight to develop tools for employers, in the risk-management standards tradition, that profile quality of working life.
Findings - This paper summarises findings from Initial qualitative work involving public and private sector employees engaged in focus group ( N =29) and one to one discussions (N=8). A core focus is on the degree of commonality / social difference in identified variables across different employment sectors / job grades.
Discussion – Broadly equivalent themes are appearent across the different organisations and across groups/interviewees within each organisation. Furthermore the themes were often not discrete with overlap across the themes, the most commonly occurring of which was communication with which many of the themes overlapped. This follows in that many of the themes rely heavily on effective communication to work positively.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Event2nd International Wellbeing at Work Conference - Manchester, UK United Kingdom
Duration: 21 May 201223 May 2012


Conference2nd International Wellbeing at Work Conference
Country/TerritoryUK United Kingdom


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