Effects of Aggressive Energy Efficiency Regulations on an Unprepared Building Sector using Uncertainty Analysis

Nishesh Jain, Alfonso Ramallo Gonzalez, Sukumar Natarajan

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding

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Building Assessment Tools (BATs) are widely used to estimate the performance of building and to assist designers in making decisions. As building codes and rating systems move from prescriptive to performance-based metrics, BATs are increasingly used to show compliance. BATs use computational methods and the results are mostly in a single annualised metric. However, the scientific community has shown that aleatory factors such as occupant behaviour and weather make the potential energy use of a building far from being a single deterministic value. Also, it is known that there is a significant deviation between predicted (at design stage) and actual energy use in buildings. These variations reduce the credibility of the predictions, questioning the acceptance of BATs results without considering underlying errors. This problem is amplified in developing nations because of under-policed construction sector. To address this, our work analyses uncertainty in a typical air-conditioned multi-storey residential building’s performance in Delhi and shows implications of variable inputs in the results.

The paper first reviews the use of BATs and existing studies on simulation uncertainty. Then uncertainty is evaluated in energy simulation of a sample building, including effects of inconsistent and construction practices. EnergyPlus is then fed values sampled (by Monte-Carlo method) from probability distribution functions of inputs (building fabric and operational parameters). Further sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the results is performed. From the 3500 simulations, the most sensitive inputs found were internal gains; cooling setpoints and infiltration. The variation in cooling demand and discomfort hours is more than double between the best and worst case.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPLEA 2014
Place of PublicationAhmedabad
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2014
EventPassive And Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) - Ahmedabad, India
Duration: 15 Dec 201418 Dec 2014


ConferencePassive And Low Energy Architecture (PLEA)


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