Droit de cité au féminin : femmes, espace et violence dans les récits de banlieue contemporains

Translated title of the contribution: Right to the city in feminine: women, space and violence in contemporary banlieue narratives

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter or section


A recent TV report on French TV channel France 2 showing women being rejected from a cafe in Greater Paris suburb Clichy-sous-Bois provoked a nation-wide debate on whether women are actually victims of exclusionary practices in French banlieues. This chapter aims to address this question by looking at a broad array of novels set in banlieues written by female authors and/ or having female protagonists. A systematic analysis of the female characters' access to space, relations with the other gender as well as the relative importance they attribute to gender violence among other forms of socio-economic segregation they tackle is used to shed light on how women and space are perceived within the marginalised communities themselves.
Translated title of the contributionRight to the city in feminine: women, space and violence in contemporary banlieue narratives
Original languageFrench
Title of host publicationLa ville : quel genre ?
Subtitle of host publicationL’espace public à l’épreuve du genre
EditorsCorinne Luxembourg, Edna Hernandez-Gonzalez, Emanuelle Faure
Place of PublicationParis
PublisherLe Temps des Cerises
ISBN (Print)978-2-37071-109-0
Publication statusPublished - 14 Mar 2017

Bibliographical note

Christina Horvath est enseignante-chercheuse en littérature française contemporaine à l’université de Bath (Grande-Bretagne).


  • gender
  • space
  • city
  • women
  • banlieue


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