Doing and undoing gender in innovation: femininities and masculinities in innovation processes

Lara Pecis

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Despite the rising interest in the intertwining of individuals, organisations and institutions in innovation research, scant attention has been paid to the ways that their relations produce and reproduce specific gender dynamics throughout the innovation process. Innovation research has been characterised by a gender blindness that conceals the gendered nature of innovation processes. This article draws on the material collected through an ethnographic investigation conducted in two research organisations to illustrate how innovation processes are gendered when specific forms of masculinities and femininities are constructed, enacted and resisted by men and women. This article contributes towards developing a gendered understanding of innovation by introducing the term ‘positions of displacement’ to signal the fluidity and messiness of doings and undoings of femininities and masculinities through innovation practices.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2117-2140
JournalHuman Relations
Issue number11
Early online date26 Apr 2016
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2016


  • Gender and innovation
  • innovation
  • doing and undoing gender
  • practising gender
  • positions of displacement
  • gender in organisations
  • masculinities and femininities


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