Does Zoom allow for efficient and meaningful group work? Translating staff development for online delivery during Covid-19

Hazel Corradi

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As an academic staff developer, I am responsible for the delivery of a 2.5-hour stand-alone workshop to support probationary lecturers in developing their assessment and feedback practice. The goal of the workshop is both to introduce key ideas and practices that shapeassessment and feedback in UK Higher Education and provide a starting point for participants to develop a reflective case study for their Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) claim (Advance HE, 2019), which is a requirement for their probation.The new challenge facing me during the pandemic of making the workshop suitable for teaching on Zoom made me evaluate which of my teaching values from previous in-person learning I wanted to embed in the design.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Learning Development in Higher Education
Publication statusPublished - 13 Oct 2021

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