Does our theory match your theory? Theories of change and causal maps in Ghana.

Steve Powell, James Copestake, Fiona Remnant, Aurelie Larquemin, Rebekah Avard

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What do the intended beneficiaries of international development programmes think about the drivers of change in their livelihoods and lives? Do their perceptions match up with the theories of change constructed by organizations trying to support them? This case study looks at an entrepreneurship programme aiming to economically empower rural women smallholders in Ghana. The programme was implemented by two Ghanian savings and credit organizations, with support from Opportunity International UK (OIUK). We report on an evaluation of the programme that used the Qualitative Impact Protocol (QuIP) to gather stories of change from the programme participants. These stories were coded, analysed and visualized using a web application called Causal Map. The chapter illustrates how the causal maps produced were used to answer evaluation questions by comparing them with the programme’s original Theory of Change. We discuss how this information can be used to enrich the implementing agencies’ strategic thinking.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationStrategic Thinking, Design and the Theory of Change
Subtitle of host publicationA Framework for Designing Impactful and Transformational Social Interventions
EditorsL. Simeone, D. Drabble, N. Morelli, A. de Gotzen
Place of PublicationCheltenham, U. K.
PublisherEdward Elgar Publishing Ltd
Number of pages19
ISBN (Electronic)9781803927718
ISBN (Print)9781803927701
Publication statusPublished - 25 Apr 2023


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