Displacement Talbot lithography: an alternative technique to fabricate nanostructured metamaterials

Emmanuel Le Boulbar, Szymon Lis, Pierre Chausse, Philip Shields

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Nanostructured materials are essential for many recent electronic, magnetic and optical devices. Lithography is the most common step used to fabricate organized and well calibrated nanostructures. However, feature sizes less than 200 nm usually require access to deep ultraviolet photolithography, e-beam lithography or soft lithography (nanoimprinting), which are either expensive, have low-throughput or are sensitive to defects. Low-cost, high-throughput and low-defect-density techniques are therefore of interest for the fabrication of nanostructures. In this study, we investigate the potential of displacement Talbot lithography for the fabrication of specific structures of interest within plasmonic and metamaterial research fields. We demonstrate that nanodash arrays and ‘fishnet’-like structures can be fabricated by using a double exposure of two different linear grating phase masks. Feature sizes can be tuned by varying the exposure doses. Such lithography has been used to fabricate metallic ‘fishnet’-like structures using a lift-off technique. This proof of principle paves the way to a low-cost, high-throughput, defect-free and large-scale technique for the fabrication of structures that could be useful for metamaterial and plasmonic metasurfaces. With the development of deep ultraviolet displacement Talbot lithography, the feature dimensions could be pushed lower and used for the fabrication of optical metamaterials in the visible range.
Original languageEnglish
Article number102480Q
JournalProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 8 Jun 2017
EventSPIE Microtechnologies: Nanotechnology VIII - Hotel Alimara, Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 8 May 201710 May 2017

Bibliographical note

Nanotechnology VIII, edited by Ion M. Tiginyanu. ISBN 9781510609976


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