Design of a New Nonlinear Fuzzy State Feedback Controller for HVDC Systems

H R Najafi, F Robinson

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This paper deals with design and stability of a newnonlinear fuzzy state feedback controller for HVDCsystems. A novel simplified nonlinear dynamic model isdeveloped for HVDC system that can be used to designthe controller. The proposed nonlinear dynamic modeldecomposes into several linear systems around its importantequilibrium points. These local linear modelsdescribe the plant dynamical behavior at its differentoperating points. The proposed controller is used in thecontrol loops of the HVDC system. The simulation iscarried out based on the Cigré benchmark model. Simulationresults show improvement of overall AC/DC/ACsystem performance when severe faults occur, comparedto the conventional controller. Also, the stable behaviorof a very weak AC/DC system (SCR<2) with proposedcontroller is very significant when a sudden change incurrent order and/or a switched reduction in ESCR isapplied. The same situation with conventional controlbrings the system into unstable region.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventIndustrial Electronics and Applications, 2006 1ST IEEE Conference on -
Duration: 1 Jan 2006 → …


ConferenceIndustrial Electronics and Applications, 2006 1ST IEEE Conference on
Period1/01/06 → …


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