Design and operation of the IEC61850 9-2 process bus used for the protection system

X. Sun, M.A. Redfern, P.A. Crossley, L. Yang, H.Y. Li, U.B. Anombem, A. Wen, R. Chatfield, J. Wright

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingOther chapter contribution

4 Citations (SciVal)


The digital substation and the implementation of IEC61850 are fundamental to the future of protection relays. The IBC61850 standard, "Communication Networks and Systems in Substation", provides the basis for the communication system for the digital sub-station's protection and control schemes. Section 9-2 defines the Ethernet based communication network providing data transfer between primary equipment and bay level IEDs, the process bus. This paper describes the background for the choice of bus architecture for the process bus for use in an EHV transmission sub-station. It reports on the results of performance tests on a feeder protection scheme using both an IEC 61850 and a conventional relay. Further tests have examined the performance of the IEC 61850 relay when the data transfer traffic on the process bus exceeds its capability and data packets are therefore lost.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication11th International Conference on Developments in Power Systems Protection, 2012. DPSP 2012
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Event11th International Conference on Developments in Power Systems Protection, 2012, DPSP 2012 - Birmingham, UK United Kingdom
Duration: 22 Apr 201225 Apr 2012


Conference11th International Conference on Developments in Power Systems Protection, 2012, DPSP 2012
Country/TerritoryUK United Kingdom


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