Design and In Vitro Interference Test of Microwave Noninvasive Blood Glucose Monitoring Sensor

Heungjae Choi, Jack Naylon, Steve Luzio, Jan Beutler, James Birchall, Chris Martin, Adrian Porch, Christopher Martin

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A design of a microwave noninvasive continuous blood glucose monitoring sensor and its interference test results are presented. The novelty of the proposed sensor is that it comprises two spatially separated split-ring resonators, where one interacts with the change in glucose level of a sample under test while the other ring is used as a reference. The reference ring has a slightly different resonant frequency and is desensitized to the sample owing to its location, thus allowing changes in temperature to be calibrated out. From an oral glucose tolerance test with two additional commercially available sensors (blood strip and continuous glucose monitor) in parallel, we obtained encouraging performance for our sensor comparable with those of the commercial sensors. The effects of endogenous interferents common to all subjects, i.e., common sugars, vitamins (ascorbic acid), and metabolites (uric acid) have also been investigated by using a large Franz cell assembly. From the interference test, it is shown that the change in sensor response is dominated by changes in glucose level for concentrations relevant to blood, and the effects of interferents are negligible in comparison.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3016-3025
JournalIEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 3 Sept 2015


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