Deontic Sensors

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding

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Normative capabilities in multi-agent systems (MAS)canberepresentedwithinagents,separately asinstitutions,orablendofthetwo. Thispaperaddresses how to extend the principles of open MAS to the provision of normative reasoning capabilities, which are currently either embedded in existing MAS platforms – tightly coupled and inaccessible – or not present. Weusearesource-orientedarchitecture(ROA)pattern, that we call deontic sensors, to make normative reasoning part of an open MAS architecture. The pattern specifies how to loosely couple MAS and normative frameworks, such that each is agnostic of the other, while augmenting the brute factsthatanagentperceiveswithinstitutionalfacts, that capture each institution’s interpretation of an agent’s action. In consequence, a MAS without normative capabilities can acquire them, and an embeddednormativeframeworkcanbede-coupled and opened to other MAS platforms. Moreimportantly,thedeonticsensorpatternallows normative reasoning to be published as services, opening routes to certification and re-use, creation of (formalized) trust and non-specialist access to “on demand” normative reasoning.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2018
Subtitle of host publicationIJCAI-18
EditorsJerome Lang
PublisherInternational Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence
Number of pages7
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-9992411-2-7
Publication statusPublished - 13 Jul 2018
EventInternational Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence 2018 - Stockholm, Sweden
Duration: 13 Jul 201819 Jul 2018


ConferenceInternational Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence 2018
Abbreviated titleIJCAI-ECAI-18
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